22 Apr 2010

I have a friend...

I realized today that: I have friends who have seen the WORST side of me.. and still love me (Kirsika Maamägi, Alicia Candelora, Cat Mayhew); i have a friend who can always make me laugh (Andreas Kotsjuba); i have a friend with whom i can talk to about God for 3 days and nights without feeling tired (Ketelin Jõhvik); i have a friend who makes me feel beautiful; i have a friend who has an amazing heart (Joel Kotsjuba); i have friends whom i can talk to ab politics over a cup of coffee and not feel bored :D (Liisi Kosk & Kerstin Oppe); i have a friend who appreciates coffee as much as i do..or even more ;) (Siiri Pajupuu); i have a friend whom i can't wait to see soon and go spend some good time with (Anna Andersen); i have a friend who's not afraid to tell me the truth (Daniel Kotsjuba); i have a friend whom i miss a LOT (Viktoria Titova), i have a Friend, who DIED for me, cos He loves me (Jesus Christ) !!!! Wow, im blessed!!

16 Apr 2010

POEM: It was just the start

Im standing next to you wondering what color are your eyes and won't dare to look
i'm wondering if that's how it's always gonna be or is it just the beginning?

You are cold but i think i'm even colder and i won't tell
I'm just wondering if one day you'll hold me instead of buttoning your coat

i know we love coffee but i'm quite sure my coffee tastes better tonight
and i'm wondering is it because i can see you or is it your voice that makes me smile?

The stars look brighter tonight than ever and i'm happy
and i'm just wondering if it has anything to do with you watching them with me?

And you look more beautiful this evening than i can recall
and i wonder if it has anything to do with me?

And i wonder some more, wondering if that's how it's gonna be or is the day close when
i can think back and smile saying it was just the start?!

Ps. It's just a poem. I don't even know if it's any good,,i've just been in the mood of writing and drawing :) so here's another one for you!

and leave a comment! ;)

15 Apr 2010

POEM: Protected in a War

I'm not a big poem writer (i used to be tho), but a moment inspired me and i just wrote my thoughts down.

Watch my back while i'm going to a war
Stay with me while i'm taking control
Be my armor and let me rest
Help me let go of everything that's a mess.

Watch my back while i'm entering a war
Whisper to my ear that you'll never let go
Calm my anxiousness with your peace
Hold me till' i fall asleep

Watch my back while i'm in a war
Be my strength and protect me from the rest
Shout my name when you lose sight of me
Whisper it, when i'm in your dreams

The war is an everyday battle with life
Thoughts suffocate me and troubles burden my chest
I need you to be here to watch my back
So i can lay down and catch my breath

The poem was inspired by the moment. I'm just laying here and thinking ab. my life, my friends, subjects that have hold of my heart and matters that have my full attention and i just asked the question..How much longer will i have to watch my back?
I solute single mom's who have to manage in life, i honor wives who have escaped their abusive husbands and have kids, i thank God for every girl who has been able to escape from prostitution or everybody else who have had a life full of troubles, hard times and unfearness and they have fought their way through and you haven't let go! i know how incredibly hard it is to keep on pushing when you have to do million other things at the same time..and when there is noone protecting your back. And all that inspired me to write the poem. So it's for all the superwomen out there who have been fighting alone so far and now wanna be protected in a war!

With you, thinking of you, praying for you,
Ms. Han