mu teine vaheajapäev ja ma olen teist päeva toitumürgituse käes vaevlemas. + mul on meeeeletu väsimus pidevalt peal. ei tea siis kas see on 4 kuud järjest pidevast õppimisest (38AP on ühe semestriga peaaegu läbitud. 18 eksamit on olnud siiamaani, 8 on veel ees)...ja lisaks veel ma tunnen meeletult süümekaid selle ees et ma ei õpi neiks 8ksaks eksmaiks mis on jaanuaris tulemas.
peaks lihtsalt Jumalalt jõudu ammutama!! Tema on ju, kes on mind siiamaani kandnud..
ehkki mu õppetulemuste edukus on ka nii palju jõudu ja rõõmu valmistanud ning ärgem jätkem mainimata GUESSi kotti, mis ma KALTSUKAST leitsin...95.-'ga ;);).. im sry ladies..i know its hard to hear it but gotta love tartu:D
danielit on ka niiiii tore näha.ega ma ei näinudki teda vahepeal 3 nädalat..päääris kaua aega.
fui mul on mingi nõme melanhoolne tuju peal.
ahjaa...meil oli tartys maskiball reedel ja mul oli 1 hästi ilus üleni pitsist kleit (all oli selline kuldne, beezikas alusmaterjal ja peal oli must pits) nii et ma tegin endale pitsist maski.lõikasin laiast pitsist kuju ja silmaaugud välja ja kleepisin kunstripsmeteliimiga näkku:D ja tegin super kuldse meigi :) see oli imeline!(panen pildid ka üles kui need saan) ja lisaks veel ma sain see õhtu mitteametlikult parima maski auhinna...auhinda ei olnud ja ametlikku valimist ka ei olnud a kõigi lemmik oli küll :)
joolu tuleb nädala pärast tagasi filipiinidelt..ja ehkki neil on seal meeletult pisike jalg..loodan ja ootan ma ikkagi...uut kingapaari (a)..aga see ei ole kohustuslik..lihtsalt rangelt soovituslik:P kingadest rääkides...leidsin ma "oma laulu"..postin selle kohe ..
siin on veel docinnc'i jõulupidu:
23 Dec 2007
15 Dec 2007
would you rather be happy or right?
so ppl who use facebook know that it has this fortune cookie application..and its great:D..anyway..i just clicked on them..not even really reading them (im lieing:D..oh i read them alright)..and so but i passed by this one really fast..yet i remembered it..and i started thinking about it..
would i rather be happy or right?
1. i rather be happy.
many times just giving up the opportunity of being "right" will bring peace and that will bring happiness. like there is a saying that the hardest thing in life is to be said to be guilty of something you didnt do. well try giving up on being right about smth big...just for the sake of them letting it that it would calm them..
ive experienced the "tho im right i have to give it up"...and it sure does SUCK...but as my fortune cookie says right now..: silence can be a great response...that is.. SCREAMING your face,, i a m r i g h t!!!!!, right;)
2. i rather be right (than happy)
oh my..thats a tough one :S im thinking that there can be "i rather be right" rather be right in shutting down the machine that keeps the heart working and letting the person go than "being happy" when they are "running" on the thing and alive cos of it..well they wouldnt really be alive and that example SUCKS but still i tried..let me see is there something else..mhh maybe in class...just for saying things out..that i know are right...will make my life miserable in class...cos the teacher hates that im right,,,and so i wont be happy in class and bla bla bla..but ill be RIGHT (i)...naah..ive tried that...DOESNT life was miserable in and outside of the class...basically.. i t d o e s n t w o r k
3. happy=right
yeah...sure..but not always and its too boring!!!
4. no happiness and no 'being right'
5. what do you thing?
leave a comment
would i rather be happy or right?
1. i rather be happy.
many times just giving up the opportunity of being "right" will bring peace and that will bring happiness. like there is a saying that the hardest thing in life is to be said to be guilty of something you didnt do. well try giving up on being right about smth big...just for the sake of them letting it that it would calm them..
ive experienced the "tho im right i have to give it up"...and it sure does SUCK...but as my fortune cookie says right now..: silence can be a great response...that is.. SCREAMING your face,, i a m r i g h t!!!!!, right;)
2. i rather be right (than happy)
oh my..thats a tough one :S im thinking that there can be "i rather be right" rather be right in shutting down the machine that keeps the heart working and letting the person go than "being happy" when they are "running" on the thing and alive cos of it..well they wouldnt really be alive and that example SUCKS but still i tried..let me see is there something else..mhh maybe in class...just for saying things out..that i know are right...will make my life miserable in class...cos the teacher hates that im right,,,and so i wont be happy in class and bla bla bla..but ill be RIGHT (i)...naah..ive tried that...DOESNT life was miserable in and outside of the class...basically.. i t d o e s n t w o r k
3. happy=right
yeah...sure..but not always and its too boring!!!
4. no happiness and no 'being right'
5. what do you thing?
leave a comment
9 Dec 2007
emotions= shoes
i unserstood why i need shoes so much,..why i love shoes so much..i have replaced chocolate with shoes...and im telling you ..its *SO MUCH BETTER..tho freaking expensive.
like i understood that whether i have good or bad emotionas i want shoes. like when im sad or stressed or melanholic..i buy shoes to make myself happier...when im excited, happy or everything is good..i buy shoes..or more like i WANT shoes to kinda give myself a reward for that..
and right now i NEED and i WANT my new boots- light brown leather boots with high heels and knee lenght, with animal fur on the top (8-10 cm??) and on the bottom just a littlebit.. but they are in tallinn..:S
ahh..i need a shoe sponsor..anyone?!
ps. im just wondering how many ppl read my post a comment saying whatever...just so i know if u visit my blog :)
have a shoeiful day!
like i understood that whether i have good or bad emotionas i want shoes. like when im sad or stressed or melanholic..i buy shoes to make myself happier...when im excited, happy or everything is good..i buy shoes..or more like i WANT shoes to kinda give myself a reward for that..
and right now i NEED and i WANT my new boots- light brown leather boots with high heels and knee lenght, with animal fur on the top (8-10 cm??) and on the bottom just a littlebit.. but they are in tallinn..:S
ahh..i need a shoe sponsor..anyone?!
ps. im just wondering how many ppl read my post a comment saying whatever...just so i know if u visit my blog :)
have a shoeiful day!
7 Dec 2007
Tänu Jumalale...
... selle eest et Danielil ei ole enam seda vastikut bakterit uriinis ja ma usun ja kuulutan usus välja et see ei tule enam IIAL tagasi!!!
... et Jumal kinkis mulle täiega tarkust seda viimast eksamit mul teha. plaanisin öösel õppima hakata...ja mõtlesin magada kl 8-11pm a ma jäin sedasi magama et magasin 12h ja tõusin järgmien hommik kl 8am ja ei olnud üldse õppinud ning samal päeval oli eksam...läbi päeva oli mul 1 loeng, siis 2h vaba, siis 1 seminar ning jälle 2h vaba enne eksamit ..yhesõnaga kasutasin aega mis mul oli ja sain õppida 6 tundi...MUL LÄX EKSAM TÄIEGA HÄSTI TÄNU JUMALALE!!!
... eile kodugrupis sai Jumal mind kasutada et osadele inimestele eriliselt toeks olla ja neile rääkida ühest-teisest asjast...
uuh Jumal on täiega ustav!! kusjuures ma olen mitu kroda see nv mõelnud sellele et MIS SIIS kui Jumalat ei ole olemas. mitte nagu tõ ma kahtleks aga ma olen püüdnud end panna nende jalanõudsesse, kes ei usu...mhh veider..a noh...Jumal on...100ga on..ja Ta on PÜHA ja SUUR ja VÕIMAS ja lihtsalt PARIM!!!
ma tahan väge oma elule taga..turbo-boost'i ,..tahan täiega olla creizi Jumala järgi ja mõjutada inimesi enda ymber!!!:D
/teie kingahull-hanna-natasha :D
... et Jumal kinkis mulle täiega tarkust seda viimast eksamit mul teha. plaanisin öösel õppima hakata...ja mõtlesin magada kl 8-11pm a ma jäin sedasi magama et magasin 12h ja tõusin järgmien hommik kl 8am ja ei olnud üldse õppinud ning samal päeval oli eksam...läbi päeva oli mul 1 loeng, siis 2h vaba, siis 1 seminar ning jälle 2h vaba enne eksamit ..yhesõnaga kasutasin aega mis mul oli ja sain õppida 6 tundi...MUL LÄX EKSAM TÄIEGA HÄSTI TÄNU JUMALALE!!!
... eile kodugrupis sai Jumal mind kasutada et osadele inimestele eriliselt toeks olla ja neile rääkida ühest-teisest asjast...
uuh Jumal on täiega ustav!! kusjuures ma olen mitu kroda see nv mõelnud sellele et MIS SIIS kui Jumalat ei ole olemas. mitte nagu tõ ma kahtleks aga ma olen püüdnud end panna nende jalanõudsesse, kes ei usu...mhh veider..a noh...Jumal on...100ga on..ja Ta on PÜHA ja SUUR ja VÕIMAS ja lihtsalt PARIM!!!
ma tahan väge oma elule taga..turbo-boost'i ,..tahan täiega olla creizi Jumala järgi ja mõjutada inimesi enda ymber!!!:D
/teie kingahull-hanna-natasha :D
2 Dec 2007
smth amazing!!!
Inimene on alati otsinud Jumalat. Need otsingud on leidnud väljenduse kõige erinevamates religiooni vormides ja filosoofiates. Kuid paraku kirjeldavad need enamasti ainult seda, mida viimane ise peab tegema, et Jumalani jõuda. Budistlik 8-osaline tee, hindu karma õpetus, juutide käsud, moslemite seaduste koodeks.- Kõik need viitavad sellele, et inimene peab ikka ise ennast päästma.
On suur vahe, kas püüad ise Jumalani jõuda või lased Jumalal tulla enda juurse.
/.../ enam ei ole oluline, mida mina võin teha, et Jumala poolehoiu osaliseks saada , vaid oluliseks saab, mida kõike Jumal võib minu elus teha, kui vaid avan Talle oma südame.
/.../ see ongi see parem lootus, mis ei tulene meie pingutusest, vaid hoopis sellest, et Jumal ise astub sinu probleemide keskele.
VAATA SEDA: (Üleval)
On suur vahe, kas püüad ise Jumalani jõuda või lased Jumalal tulla enda juurse.
/.../ enam ei ole oluline, mida mina võin teha, et Jumala poolehoiu osaliseks saada , vaid oluliseks saab, mida kõike Jumal võib minu elus teha, kui vaid avan Talle oma südame.
/.../ see ongi see parem lootus, mis ei tulene meie pingutusest, vaid hoopis sellest, et Jumal ise astub sinu probleemide keskele.
VAATA SEDA: (Üleval)
1 Dec 2007
ilma oma asjadeta.
keset kõnniteed.
ütlesid mulle, et ei armasta enam.
ma tõmbusin Su embusest.
ja vaatasin küsivalt.. ma ei saanud aru..
mismoodi, ei armasta enam?
ütlesin veel paar kohmetunud sõna.. mil pole isegi tähtsust..
tõmbasin mantli hõlmad kokku..
tundsin kui külm äkki hakkas ja sammusin minema..
jõudes üle tee, vaatasin veel viivuks tema nägu..
see oli külm, mitte seesama, kes mind soojalt vaatas ja armastust kiirgas..
tema vasakust silmast voolas suur pisar..
ning ma ei tea isegi miks?
miks ta nuttis?
külmavärinad jooksid üle mu keha ja tunnetasin, et ei iial enam ei armasta kedagi nii nagu Sind.
pöördusin.. ja jooksin oma kõrgetel kontsadel läbi sügisvihmase õhtupooliku.
kas nii pidigi olema?
hommikul ärkasin.külm higi üle keha. see oli nagu päriselt juhtunud.
jääb meelde.
ilma oma asjadeta.
keset kõnniteed.
ütlesid mulle, et ei armasta enam.
ma tõmbusin Su embusest.
ja vaatasin küsivalt.. ma ei saanud aru..
mismoodi, ei armasta enam?
ütlesin veel paar kohmetunud sõna.. mil pole isegi tähtsust..
tõmbasin mantli hõlmad kokku..
tundsin kui külm äkki hakkas ja sammusin minema..
jõudes üle tee, vaatasin veel viivuks tema nägu..
see oli külm, mitte seesama, kes mind soojalt vaatas ja armastust kiirgas..
tema vasakust silmast voolas suur pisar..
ning ma ei tea isegi miks?
miks ta nuttis?
külmavärinad jooksid üle mu keha ja tunnetasin, et ei iial enam ei armasta kedagi nii nagu Sind.
pöördusin.. ja jooksin oma kõrgetel kontsadel läbi sügisvihmase õhtupooliku.
kas nii pidigi olema?
hommikul ärkasin.külm higi üle keha. see oli nagu päriselt juhtunud.
jääb meelde.
14 Nov 2007
"best things in life arent things"
my best friend was right when she wrote that..
my life is a mess right now..or maybe even not..MY life isnt a mess but the ppl that are the closest to me, they are hurting so therefore my life is hurting..yet i find things in my everyday life that make me fight for the ones i love..and it seems to work..except that i wont settle with the situation im in right now..i want peace for everybody..but so..i understand that even tho my jewelry box is full of bling and my wordrobe has some really nice clothes in it and i LOVE my shoe collection...then still i cant find peace and real-full happiness b4 i see my close ones being happy.
my life is a mess right now..or maybe even not..MY life isnt a mess but the ppl that are the closest to me, they are hurting so therefore my life is hurting..yet i find things in my everyday life that make me fight for the ones i love..and it seems to work..except that i wont settle with the situation im in right now..i want peace for everybody..but so..i understand that even tho my jewelry box is full of bling and my wordrobe has some really nice clothes in it and i LOVE my shoe collection...then still i cant find peace and real-full happiness b4 i see my close ones being happy.
13 Nov 2007
miracles DO happen!!!
an average school school...since i slept only 3 hours tonight...i thought about going home..skipping one class...but nah...decided to stay..with chocolate:)
so i just looked around in internet .. wasting time..but hey, i STAYED!!!:)
so the point is,,i just happened to see my friends comment,,, and it was an ansver to my prayer.. 7 and some years ago i started praying for this person...and happened!!!!
whatever u r praying about or hoping..DONT give up...whether its 3 days, 3 years or 30 years,,, God answeres prayers!!!
so i just looked around in internet .. wasting time..but hey, i STAYED!!!:)
so the point is,,i just happened to see my friends comment,,, and it was an ansver to my prayer.. 7 and some years ago i started praying for this person...and happened!!!!
whatever u r praying about or hoping..DONT give up...whether its 3 days, 3 years or 30 years,,, God answeres prayers!!!
5 Nov 2007
back in reality
my only thought was "was i ever going to see him again?". i didnt know, i still dont, but he sure stirred up feelings in me. i knew, when i decided not to do anything...i made a right choice and nothing happened..wlel except for the feelings...and yet i cant seem to let go of the much does he like me? or does it really matter, since i decided to go with "nothing".
when i took was raining and damp. dark. and when we got above the clouds i knew i was going to be ok without him. the sun will always come out!
..and i thought leaving him was hard. when i landed in my country, it was cold, snowing and even darker. and thats when the reality hit me. its either that i had stayed too long or that i could stay in my homeland. it was suffocating me. taking my energy that i had just reloded. but i took a breth in and never let it out..i just walked. and continued with where i had left relity for 10 days.
when i took was raining and damp. dark. and when we got above the clouds i knew i was going to be ok without him. the sun will always come out!
..and i thought leaving him was hard. when i landed in my country, it was cold, snowing and even darker. and thats when the reality hit me. its either that i had stayed too long or that i could stay in my homeland. it was suffocating me. taking my energy that i had just reloded. but i took a breth in and never let it out..i just walked. and continued with where i had left relity for 10 days.
3 Nov 2007
w e l c o m e
so this blog is private but i guess yet for people to read. the thoughts and ideas i write here,,.are my thoughts and ideas so you can comment but not citicize. This is my world, enjoy!
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