3 Dec 2009
Kas kõik-ühes inimest on olemas?
(ahjaa...mu mõte!!!!...mm...think think..what was it)
Mu sõbrad ümberringi on hakanud ühtäkki abielluma, mis on muidugi super tore aga paratamatult viib see mõtted sinnasamma vanasse käänakusse--kellega MINA abiellun? See ei ole depressiivne mõte..ma ei vala selle üle pisarad, ei kaku juukseid peast ja ei söö meeletus kogustes šokolaadi--Ei..(ma pöördun selle asjaga Isa poole) aga paratamatult on mul ka küsimused kellega ma abiellun. asi polegi niivõrd selles et ma tahan teada inimese nime vaid ma tahan teada milline ta on oma iseloomult, välimuselt, olemiselt jne. Kas ta vastab mu ootustele, kas ta on mu maitse kohane...
ja siit tuleb mu järgmine mõte--kui palju on mul õigus küsida/tahta? te kõik teate seda väljendit kindlasti, et Jumal ei anna mõlema käega (mis on VALE muideks--kõik mis Jumal loob on TÄIUSLIK..selle igas vormis)..aga ma mõtlen just seda et kui ma tahan meest, kes on super iseloomuga jne...kas siis ma ei või tahta ka seda et ta välimus vastab mu maitsele. There always seeems to me something missing.. :(
Ma ei ole mingi super valiv..või noh tegelt suht olen küll aga ma arvan et see on õige--ma tahan meest Jumala standardi järgi..ja see standard on kõrge!! Kuid sellegipoolest on mul ka teatud inimlikud ootused ja lootused. Kas ma peaksin mõndadest soovidest loobuma? Näiteks et inimese süda on Jumala juures ja ta on super iseloomuga aga mingit tõmmet ei ole. Või vastupidi, et välimuselt on väga atraktiivne ja iseloomult on ka super ning jah Jumalaga on asjad korras, aga samas nagu ei ole seda klikki. Või võtame mõne muu variandi näiteks kus inimesel on asjad Jumalaga korras aga iseloomus on nii mõndagi asju mille kallal oleks vaja töötada..aga samas me oleme ju kõik inimesed nii et see oleks ebaloomulik kui inimene on veatu!
(lihtsalt et selgeks teha, näited on välja mõeldud, mitte mu "valikud" päris elus)
siin ongi küsimus, et mida võtta ja mida mitte. KAs saab kõik-ühes või see on mingi muinasjutt, mille jutustajat lõbustasid ainult tema unistused, lootused ja ettekujutused.
Ühesõnaga, kui on mõtteid, JAGAGE NEID! Kommenteeride, avaldage oma arvanust..muidu ma peab siin üksi monoloogi ning jäängi oma küsimuste juurde :)
Ilusat und neile, kes on magama suundumas (nagu mina nüüd)
23 Nov 2009
16 Nov 2009
Wanna' Worry-Free Life??
..might seems to be 'obvious' thing to do but trust me if you start checking your thoughts and EVERY thought that has even a bit of worry in it you talk ab it w/ God and give it to Him, it changes everything!
Ok for you, who are not christians..ill give you an example how to 'give things to God' and how to talk to Him.
See The Bible says that (ill write it in estonian) Filiplastele 4:6 Ärge muretsege ühtigi, vaid laske kõiges oma palumised (e. soovid) palve ja anumisega ühes tänuga saada Jumalale teatavaks.
1 Peetruse 5:7 Heitke kõik oma mure Tema (e. Jumala) peale, sest Tema peab hoolt teie eest!
Laulud (Psalimid) 37:5 Veereta Jehoova peale oma tee ja looda Tema peale; küll Ta toimetab kõik hästi!
55:23 Heida Jehoova peale oma koorem ja Tema hoolitseb sinu eest; Ta ei lase iialgi kõikiuda õiget.
So these are some of the scriptures from the bible we can stand on and KNOW that God wants us to give Him out worries and burdains.
>> So lest say for ex. your worry is that you dont know where you'll get the money to pay your bills. Bills pile up and u just dont have the money. So lets say you take the bills and say that God, i have NO IDEA where ill get the money to pay all these bills but bible says that i should trust You with it and You'll take care of me...so here they are (the bills) and Thank You that You'll help me get the money to pay the bills!
Yes, thats it! and Yes, IT WORKS. God is alive and God cares!!!! and He loves you more that you can even imagine so..try it out..it cant hurt to try!
Well so i started doing it yesterday. and its amazing--something has changed in me. i cant wait to spend time with God, to talk to Him, to "bother" Him with my thoughts and ideas and life again :) i mean i dont know what was so different before..cos i loved to do it then aswell...but somehow, something is different..and whatever that is, im sure glad it happened. :)))
Last sunday's preaching was super! Pastor Ken talked about our mind..and how its a battlefield and how everything is connected to your thoughts so if you havent got a beakthrough in something -- first thing you go and check is your thoughts and mindset ab the matter. and there was SOOO much more as there always is :)) and it was just so good cos well..it changed me just like that, over night and for good :)) Praise God..i mean..c'mon, i have a worry free life! hehe
Hope you will start doing the same TODAY and change ur whole perspective with it!
PS. Leave comments how it worked and what's been happening ever since u start doing it and if you see any changes (and what are they). Its so encouraging to hear them!
Be blessed!
22 Sept 2009
Take the Lead!
(Eesti keeles: Aga Tema on teinud valiku ja kes saaks Teda keelata? Mida Tema hing ihaldab, seda Tema ka teeb! Sest Ta viib täide, mis mulle on määratud, ja seesugust on Tal palju! ) |
29 Aug 2009
Blindly following God
But anyway..what is on my mind is that..
When you read Äripäev ( a business newspaper we have here) or watch news or whatever..you understand more and more how BAD economy is in Estonia. They say its one of the worse in Europe and economy in Baltic state´s have a BAD reputation. And when year and a half or so ago i talked to my friend and told her about a prophecy i heard ab that Estonia is gonna go back to food stamps ..she told me its IMPOSSIBLE cos we are in EU now and in every other union and whatever..so it cant happen. then looking which way things are moving right now it looks like its needed (http://www.arileht.ee/artikkel/475619 ; http://www.arileht.ee/artikkel/476098 )
but now this is the time, when everything else is falling apart, you might have lost your job or you might be looking for a home..its time to BLINDLY FOLLOW GOD (what i mean by that is -- no questions asked). Don´t doubt Him (if He is telling you to do smth, do it; if He is telling you to go somewhere, go there). HE IS YOUR HOPE! Be faithful in what you´re doing and do it right, be honest and trustworthy and things will come your way cos this is the promise of God - Mt 6:31-33 So do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' For the pagans run after all these things, and your heavenly Father knows that you need themBut seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.
26 Aug 2009
The WOW Factor
Well for the last 6 months my life has been a time of changing. Yes...sooooo many changes-- starting with 6 months of spiritual desert, throwing away my shoes, losing my "sister" (and getting her back -- thank God) ..to regaining strenght and getting back JOY in my life!
Let me tell you something about joy. The funniest thing..going through the spiritual desert time i had peace in my heart. i knew i was on the right path, moving the right direction and doing the right thing BUT i had no joy...just everything was so super hard and most of all..nothing made any sence (why was i doing anything? ps i knew WHY but for what reason). I knew what i was doing and why i was doing it but i asked myself..WHATS THE POINT. Just nothing made any sence. Lacking joy in your life feels like you wanna throw everything in the corner (your entire life) and just leave. Where?--doesnt matter! Will it help?- nope, probably not. but its just the feeling that everything you do is not woth doing. even tho u know you do the right thing.
So..but what i learned with it was that --- during this time in my life i was left all alone. I had friends but at the same time i had no friends. My family was here but still..i was all alone. that was the feeling..ALL ALONE, nobody understands me etc . anyway..and with that i understood that God is the ONLY one i should really truly FULLY lean on. HE is the only one i should fully trust and hope on. Cos ppl will fail but God will never fail and never leave! and tho friends are the gift from God and they fill your life with so much good then He is the source of everything good.
So ab a week or so ago..i started feeling joy again. and it has been growing day by day. and the gratitude for that in my heart..is indescribable! Everywhere i go, whatever i do i just feel my heart laughing and being soo thankful to God and Praising Him for His goodness and for JOY.
Also a thing that ive learned with this summer..is to thank for the hard times. (you´re thinking DAAAH..thats what Paul said like soooo long time ago). But God truly showed me what it means. and WHy are the hard times so good and so needed. -- Its cos these are the times that change you. really really change you. these are the times that will clean out the mess in your life or deal with your attitude or some areas in your life that need to be changed. and the more you´ll get changed here on earth..the better for YOU..so that one day you´ll be in heaven..you´ll be one step (or more) ahead of the other..just cos u maybe suffered more on the earth..and through that you got changed then go through the same changing process in heaven..but just soooooo much slower (thats why it writes that angels envy us that we can suffer on earth).
So when before i pressed my teeth together and sucked the words out of myself..then now my biggest prayer to God is for Him to take me to the "Court" with myself..here on earth..so He wouldnt have to do it in heaven! and its working! and i dont see myself as a victim anymore as i did before (cos of different things ive gone through in my life..but as a person whom God has showen such a favor by letting me go through these things in such a young age and has made me the person i am now)
So to wrap this up i can just sa that when in the beginning of the year i said this year is going to be different from all the other (how?- i didnt know! Good or bad- i didnt know..just different)..then yes..so far the 8 months have been full of more changes than ive gone through so many years put together. And there is only one explanation to that :) (and thats for me to know and you to figure out :P..or ask me :D )
22 Jul 2009
26 Jun 2009
The right feet
21 Jun 2009
Like you'll never see me again
Mhh..ive been thinking a lot ab what i would like to say to people lets say if it was my last chance to say smth to them. So ive played dialogs or more like monologs in my head what i would say to them.
17 Jun 2009
Faith is a commitment
"Therefore my dear brothers, stand firm, let nothing move you, always give yourselves to the work of the Lord, cos you know that your labor in the Lord in not in vain" (1. Cor. 15:58)
15 Jun 2009
To-Do list to spare you from so many 'fail's'
2 Jun 2009
Love letter..
1 Jun 2009
More Than Words Can Say
31 May 2009
..what happens?.. FOLLOWUP
8 May 2009
...what happens when u dont expect THAT to happen...
1 May 2009
just LISTEN to it
here are the lyrics:
God I’m in this place again I’m
trying so hard not to fall,
but everything keeps coming down with the rain.
And I try so hard I forget to call.
Everybody’s looking around, and
everybody wants to be found.
And I’m just hanging on; I give You all that I am.
I come to You with all that I am, I
bring to You all that I have,
and all I have is nothing, and I keep on
trying, and all I want is You.
Everybody’s looking around and wants to be found,
and I’m just hanging on.
I give You all that I am.
And as I sit here in the midst of You,
I come to You; I bring You all that I am.
Everybody’s looking around and wants to be found,
and I’m just hanging on.
I give You all that I am
i wont say nothing else..i think it speaks for itself!
19 Apr 2009
Sharing with you, what God has lately shared with me!
>> i can say one of the only times that Estonian bible says better. It says: If you say in your heart: these people are bigger than i am, then how can I drive them away. and again..it just shoes how important it is that we have the right way of thinking, speaking. that our hearts would be at the right place. Fight compromise with all your hearts!!!! |
1 Apr 2009
SYTYCD: Lacey and Kameron Contemporary
The dance is amazing (i think)..REALLY REALLY good!!
AND there's this really good song: Adele - Hometown glory (if you roll down on my blog..there's a link there you can youtube-search the song ;) )